
Pattern Shop

There are advantages to Charlotte's in-house pattern shop. We can provide complete control from start to finish on your new tooling design. Our Pattern and Core Box design technicians can work with your casting engineers all the way through the casting simulation process to optimize the casting design and choose the best molding line for production.

Our pattern shop can also modify your existing tooling. If you have existing tooling, our range of production equipment allows you to move your gray iron casting to the most optimum molding line that fits your work. We can use existing core boxes for the shell and isocure (cold box) process. We will evaluate your tooling when we receive it and provide you cost to perform the up-fit before we being the process.

No matter which case fits your needs, Charlotte will manage the process from start to finish. We will inventory your tooling safely and keep you apprised of the condition for maximum cycle life and future budgetary planning when replacement becomes necessary.

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